
Music videos are where we honed our skills as filmmakers, immersing ourselves in the local and national music scene and performing for many years before transitioning behind the camera. We deeply grasp the significance of compelling video content in connecting you with your audience.

Our options cater to a wide spectrum, from larger budget productions to affordable budget-friendly choices. Got an idea of what you want? Or maybe you're still in the planning stages and need a fresh perspective? Drop us an email or message to chat about your upcoming projects, and let's team up to create something amazing together!

Lion Island Media Videography


narrative music videos

It's not just the music that makes the video stand out...

A captivating story can bring your vision to life, grabbing audience attention, fostering relatability, and making it truly memorable.


Got something important to say? Or maybe you want to connect with your fans on a more personal level. An interview setup is the perfect solution.

It's ideal for going beyond the music, diving into lyrics, inspirations, and more. Give your fans a genuine insight into the artist they love!


There's nothing quite like capturing a performer in their element, on stage and in the zone. We offer one-off shoots or touring packages to provide regular captivating content.

Live sessions

The raw passion of a live performance is truly amazing, and we love capturing that energy to share with your fans. From stripped-down acoustic sessions to full band setups, it's all about bringing the energy and excitement of your live performance directly to your audience.

Performance music videos

A classic. Your performance can add another level to the music, capturing your personality being channeled through your voice and instrument.

EPK Packages

Elevate your press and PR game with a standout video EPK (Electronic Press Kit). Our tailored packages include everything you need, from personalized interviews or piece-to-camera segments to a bespoke showreel of your music. It's all designed to capture the attention of industry professionals behind the scenes.


When it comes to music video pricing, we always ask the important question: "What is your budget?" Not because we want to squeeze every penny from you, but because we genuinely want to ensure you get the maximum value from your next single release.

We understand that budgets vary. You might want to go all-in on a large production, or perhaps you're aiming to keep things more cost-effective. Maybe you even have a specific expense in mind, like hiring a tiger for the shoot! Rest assured, we strive to keep costs reasonable. Our price for filming and editing is fixed and transparent, allowing you to allocate your extra budget towards those special elements that will make your video truly stand out.

We encourage artists to drop us an email with their ideas or share a copy of the track. This way, we can bring our expertise, experience, and creative ideas to the table, blending them with yours and providing options that suit your budget and needs.

If you're unsure about your budget, we can offer a rough guide: For a half-day shoot plus editing for a performance-based music video, prices start from £450.

Get In Touch

Let's start a conversation! If you have any questions or want to discuss your upcoming project or event, drop us an email or message: